/* Theme Name: Made of Tubes Theme URI: http://internetassociation.org Description: A reboot of Internet Association Author: One Mighty Roar Author URI: http://onemightyroar.com Version: 2.0 */ .rounded-corners (@radius: 5px) {border-radius: @radius; -webkit-border-radius: @radius;-moz-border-radius: @radius;} .box-shadow (@h, @v, @b, @c){box-shadow: @h + 0px @v + 0px @b + 0px @c;-webkit-box-shadow: @h + 0px @v + 0px @b + 0px @c;-moz-box-shadow: @h + 0px @v + 0px @b + 0px @c;} .b{border: 1px solid #000;} a{text-decoration: none;color: inherit;} .clear{float: none;clear: both;} body{margin: auto;word-wrap: break-word;} @contentWidth: 960px; @orange: #f47842; @darkorange: #d77449; @lightorange: #ffc26a; @text: #9b7e71; @lightyellow: #fffbf2; @yellow: #fec51b; @dustorange: #f47842; @dustyellow: #c4b490; @peach: #feeed1; body{ font-family: 'Armata', sans-serif; background-color: @lightyellow; color: @text; &:not(.home){ #footer{ margin-top:200px; } } } a{ /*color: @orange;*/ &:hover{ color: @darkorange; 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